Friday, April 10, 2020

More Infill Housing

As you wander about the city there seems to be more and more infill housing being constructed. Often an older small house is torn down or if the side walls are left standing then it is considered a renovation rather than a new build. I quite like the modern look of this one which is a bit different from the many square boxes that are being built.


  1. ...find a spot must be getting difficult.

  2. So different? I like it. Clean comfortable and modern.

  3. I like the look of this one too. There is a lot of infill housing going on here too.

  4. Absolutely! You and I have the same tastes. :-)

  5. Hello

    I like this modern looking home, very nice! Happy Easter weekend!

  6. Yes, I like the look too. Very attractive!

  7. The old wall trick turned into a nice looking house.

  8. Typically I favor old houses, but I like this modern design. In response to your bee hive question - I don't buy new hives each year. I have even split a hive to make more hives and I hope to do that next spring. I wanted to add another hive to my apiary. I know have three and am hoping they thrive.

  9. This and the ones yesterday are so much nicer that much of the infill I've seen over the years. These have character. I really like this one.

  10. I like it too Pat, nice clean lines.

  11. We've infill in Ottawa, too. It is quite striking seeing the difference in the architecture.
