Friday, May 15, 2020

Big Houses

It is a good time to take pics of houses before the leaves come out on the trees. This shot shows two very large semi-detached homes in the Annex neighbourhood.  The halves are so unlike each other. The half on the left has those two large porches and a large turret while the right side has just a small turret. It makes you wonder what the difference in price was between them over a hundred years ago when they were built. I love the checker board brick trim running across the two of them.


  1. Interesting!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I wonder if it was originally a single home?!

  3. Isn't it funny Pat, they are the same but over the years the owners have made them so different from each other.

  4. They don't build them like that anymore which is a shame. It's amazing architecture.

  5. The two porches part almost looks like it was added on sometime a long time ago. Once again, these remind me so much of the houses I grew up around back in Illinois.

  6. Big in size and probably in price too.

  7. I wouldn't have guessed it was two houses. It looks like one big mansion.

  8. Such an interesting neighbourhood!

  9. I'm inclined to think that those porches are an add-on or have been changed over the years. They don't seem to fit with the style of the house somehow.

  10. I always wonder how architecture differ in countries in the same periods of time. We in the netherlands don't have this kind of housing but we have stil big houses. Only another architecture.

  11. Hello,

    They do look big and beautiful! Happy weekend to you!

  12. This looks like such an interesting neighbourhood!
