Tuesday, May 5, 2020


With the city basically shut down and people not going anywhere the taxis have been parked. I spotted this parking lot full of Beck cabs which is one of our largest taxi companies. More people who are feeling the pinch.


  1. It's a strange sight for sure. I don't think things will ever be the same again.

  2. Hello,

    It is strange to see all the parked cabs. I am sure the cab drivers are missing their pay, but still rather be safe and healthy. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. There are so many jobs at risk, it's mind boggling.

  4. ...when I left Maui in April there were 5,000 retail cars parked in fields by the airport, what a sight!

  5. Sad to see, though perhaps they'll make some money once some restrictions are lifted and people prefer to take a taxi than used other forms of public transport.

  6. There are few cabs around here too.

  7. Good one, RedPat. Kinda like all the airplanes now mothballed and stored out in the desert southwest somewhere.

  8. That's something you don't see on the road these days. Very sad indeed!

  9. Another category of people out of work. The Coronavirus continues to take its toll.

  10. I had not thought of cab drivers during all this mess. We are more rural here with some public transportation (cabs, bus routes), but more people own cars here than in more densely populated areas. And it is strange to drive down the street and see everyone's car parked at their house all the time.

  11. Such a lot of disruption Pat, I can't help wondering if this will make any difference to how we live our lives moving forward ✨

  12. Una gran flota de taxis.
    Un abrazo.

  13. You captured an emblematic photo that will only become more valuable as years pass!

  14. It is a strange sight! It's a strange time.
