Thursday, June 11, 2020

Emerging From The Rain

I emerged from a sudden downpour and spotted this sleek Mercedes station wagon. I hadn't seen one before and was impressed even when it was totally wet. A model E400, I'm sure it is totally out of my price range.


  1. It got a free rinse!
    Way out of my price range, too.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. ...and I received a welcomed rain last night on my 10 year old Ford Escape!

  3. That is very nice looking. I'm pretty certain it's out of my range too. But, it doesn't cost anything to look.

  4. Hello,

    Very pretty, out of my price range too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  5. It sure is sleek and spendy but it's a beauty.

  6. Fine looking car. You might be able to find one at a reasonable price on the used market. They should ride well, and be most comfortable beside being useful for hauling lots of stuff.

  7. Briefly looked on line and you could buy a used one between $21,000 and $30,000 depending on year and miles. That is less than a new Honda or Toyota. A new one is around $70,000. These are luxury cars.

  8. It's nice to have a luxury ride but it's not in my budget!

  9. I wouldn´t even want it! ;-)
    Here, especially in Berlin, jealous people scratch cars like that...
    Nah, find a parking space with that, too.

  10. It has a bit haughty appearance with that heavy front grill they don't really need anymore.

  11. Very nice, and probably a great family car too!

  12. Looks really smart Pat, but then I think of all the more fun things I could do with the money it would cost 😉

  13. I didn't know they made station wagons.
