Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Stay Home

I was wandering around after giving up on the lineup to get into the local plant nursery and spotted this wonderful quilted sign that someone has made and tacked up onto their fence. It was so nicely done that it cheered me up after the unsuccessful plant journey.  
Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Wonderful! Beautiful! I love it!
    Have a great day!

  2. That is beautifully done. It would put a smile on my face too. Sorry you didn't get in to the plant nursery. I'd love to shop at Trader Joe's again but there is a long line waiting to get in every time I go. At 111 degrees, it's too hot to wait in a line.

  3. Hello

    It is a pretty quote! Sorry you were not able to shop for your plants.
    Have a great day!

  4. Nicely done sign. Sorry you didn't get your plants.

  5. ...I'm staying home and working in my garden these days! Thanks for sharing, take care.

  6. That's a beautiful sign, I love it.

  7. I am staying home but I am going crazy! ⦿⽘⦿

  8. Perfect sign!
    I was able to pick up garden plants earlier than usual this year. Great therapy! (And, thankfully, we had no further frost.)
    I hope you can get in successfully soon.

  9. We finally have rain, so I do stay home, other I think our bodies need to get out, just keep the distance...

  10. What a lovely idea Pat and good advice too, although it is nice to get out and about a wee bit. You will have to get there earlier for your plants 😉

  11. Quilted? Impressive. My sister is a quilter. I wonder if she has done anything to memorialize the pandemic.
