Saturday, July 11, 2020

Feathered Friends

This pic was taken along the Humber River ravine in one of the parks upstream from the shots I have shown you this past week. This is one of the small streams that feed into the river and the pond there is a favourite spot for Mallards to hang out. They stay there all winter as the moving water never freezes over completely. A lot of people go there to feed them no matter how many signs are put up asking them not to!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    It is a big group of Mallards, I love seeing all those green heads.
    I guess people do what they want to do, a sign is not going to stop them. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  2. Might as well give the public something healthy to feed the ducks with and pocket the proceeds.

  3. That's a beautiful spot. No wonder the mallards like it.

  4. A nice and lovely scene, Pat !

  5. Enjoying this Summery series, Pat! Stay safe, dear

  6. ..mallards are among my favorites.

  7. Nice scenic tour you taking us bloggers on.

  8. People are not supposed to feed the ducks, in our city park, either...... Gorgeous spot...

  9. It's a pretty spot for them to congregate, I like the rustic bridge.

  10. That looks a lovely place to spend an hour or two. I see your male Mallards are still in their splendid breeding plumage; ours are all moulting and look very tatty at the moment.

  11. Mallards are always fun to see!

  12. It is fun to see that many mallards peacefully coexisting.

  13. It's a lovely scene, seems very peaceful. I like the look of that bridge.

  14. Don't they like to tell us what to do and what to think? But they will never ever stop people from feeding the ducks in the park.

  15. I like those bridges. Just lovely.

  16. I think you have a Monet moment here Pat 💜 So annoying when people ignore signs re the feeding of birds and animals.

  17. Hello. Beautiful place. I think that people don't understand why ducks are not allowed to be fed.

  18. They are always fun to watch! And yes, the parks here say not to feed them but they sure do 'beg' for handouts!

  19. a sweet picture of these ducks...i like the adorable fence!!
