Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Bumper Crop

I have 6 tomato plants and they are all covered in fruit so I have started giving it away and eating tomatoes with every meal. Not a bad thing really!


  1. Ok you have convinced me Pat, if no other vegetable I must give tomatoes a go. We eat so many of them and they look pretty easy. Do you grow yours in a tub or pot?

  2. Hello,

    The home grown tomatoes are delicious. It nice to have a bumper crop!
    Enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  3. Good harvest! I don’t have a single ripe tomato yet. I don't seem to be able to ripen before the frosts come.

  4. I'm wishing I was your neighbor right now. I love home grown tomatoes. When I was a kid, my grandmother had a huge garden a lots of tomato plants. What she didn't eat she canned. We had tomatoes at meals all winter long.

  5. I'm jealous! Enjoy each and every one. :)

  6. I do love tomato season. Time for all sorts of tomato delights,

  7. We have just one plant, in a pot, but it's been putting out a steady crop after crop of tomatoes this year.

  8. They're doing great! I have cherry tomatoes starting to ripen but these are enviable. Are they from the tomato slice seeds you started?

  9. All that rain we had the last few days paid off.

  10. ...mine are finally ripening.

  11. I miss my cherry tomato plants this year. Always enjoyed adding them to my late summer salads.

  12. Buenos tomates Pat. A seguir disfrutándo de ellos.
    CuĂ­date.Un abrazo
