Friday, August 21, 2020

An Unusual Renovation

This house is just down the street from the elegant old apartment building in the Annex neighbourhood which I showed you last week. It is a semidetached home and you can see the original sloped roofline visible on its attached neighbour. This was an extensive renovation with the whole roof and third floor being removed and a box addition placed on top of the second story. The whole house was gutted and all new windows and doors were put in. I'm not sure about it yet but possibly when the wood shingles age the top floor may disappear a bit.


  1. Hello,

    The new addition does not look too out of place, the wood shingles are nice next to the red bricks. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  2. I am out of that profession and now I really do know why.

  3. It looks good and not overdone .

  4. That is an interesting way to remodel that building. I think you are right, when the wood ages it will blend in more.

  5. Definitely interesting, good catch!

  6. Indeed interesting and the greenery around it is beautiful too!

  7. Top floor could blend better, true. Pleasant being here, P ♥️

  8. Top floor could blend better, true. Pleasant being here, P ♥️

  9. This is a major remuddling of this building. The windows and door look modern and I am skeptical about that new roof line. Perhaps building owners were thinking more about renting one more apartment in this area.

  10. I'm imagining there's a wonderful loft up there, maybe even some bookshelves and an easy chair. :-)

  11. The shingles will age faster than you'd expect. I guess it will blend in better then but I'm not sure the detailing on the box is enough to compliment the building.

  12. Somehow it doesn't look at all homely to me - more like lawyers' offices or a doctor's surgery.
