Saturday, August 1, 2020

August Theme: City People

The August theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is City People which is not the easiest of topics at this time. I am heading back into my archives once more for a shot I took when I was downtown at rush hour when everyone was heading for the subway and home. Everyone was on a mission to beat the crowds.  
Taking part in the theme City People. Click HERE to see more people from around the world.


  1. ...ah, back before the mess hit!

  2. The lady in the red coat adds just the right pop of bright color to the scene! The little bit of red on the left side balances it out nicely - great photo!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Hello,

    Great people photo! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  4. When will we be able to walk along as carelessly again? I went out for a couple of hours this morning and didn't see that many people the whole time.

  5. Super composition for the theme Pat, hopefully things will return to semi normal again soon. I know it must seem odd to everyone that we aren't wearing masks here, we never have had to. Our Premier closed our borders very early and is keeping them closed until NSW and Victoria get their act together.

  6. I like this scene. This is how the streets should be looking!

  7. Good to know this is a pre-pandemic photo. Interesting street photo.

  8. Great street photo. Funny how we all go out of our way now to not walk near anyone.

  9. Great shot for the theme, Pat. Sad to see the streets today with fewer people and not walking together.

  10. Good shot. We live in the country and seldom to never go to the 'big' city so I had a hard time and had to go into my archives to find any people. LOL


  11. It's funny how upside down things are now. Everyone (at least should be) is now avoiding crowds.

  12. Just think Pat... all of those people are now working from home. ⎦˚◡˚⎣

  13. Nice street photography. I love that.
