Thursday, August 13, 2020

Caution, Heavy Machinery in Use!

Last Sunday I wandered by the townhouse construction site that I have been showing you and spotted some of the machinery being used in the construction. It looks like it will take a bit of work to move those I-beams into place with that little machine. This week they are starting on the upper floors now that the lower parking spaces are poured. You can see the condo project that I showed you in the background.


  1. Yes, it will take quite a bit of effort to move those beams with that machine. How cute to find it there. They are moving right along on this construction.

  2. Hello,

    Lol, that is some heavy duty equipment. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. What great fun discovery. You might be surprised at the power of machines, at least in our imagination.

  4. At first I thought that machine was a little kid's toy. :) Never seen one that small. Great photo!

  5. I agree with Bill. It does look like a toy.

  6. Making me laugh... eh. Thank you.

  7. Budget equipment, I assume. Add your own "vroom, vroom!" sounds.

  8. You seem to have confused some of your readership with that one!
