Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Here it Comes

I was sitting out on the deck in the sunshine and then all of a sudden these clouds rolled in. We got heavy rain for about 30 minutes and then the sun came out again. Crazy!


  1. Thanks to the rain the lawns and the gardens are looking real good.

  2. I wish that would happen here. We are starved for a little rain.

  3. Hello,

    The pop up thunder storms seem pretty common here in the summer.
    We can still use some rain here. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. It may be crazy but I'll bet it was welcome.

  5. We probably got that a few hours later.

  6. Pretty typical late summer afternoon weather here. The trouble comes when you try to predict when it will hit.

  7. ...no rain here, we could use some.

  8. That looks like one of those scary wall clouds. When you see one, RUN and hide. They can be dangerous.

  9. Hopefully we are taking a break on the rain. It seem to come around everyday for a short visit. At least the sun is showing its face lately. I like the sky you captured, I can smell the rain coming. :)

  10. I love to sit on our porch and watch a storm roll in!

  11. We're supposed to be getting similar rain and thunderstorms but it has't happened here yet. It's hot and muggy.

  12. Those clouds really meant business!

  13. Lovely. When being in Perth it´s "sadly" summer and seldom there is rain, but if there is friends call me to ask if we have rain, too, as they know I love the sound and smell - there are eucalyptus trees all around.

  14. Just the sort of thing we used to pray for when we were doing harvest work on the farm and wanted some time off! It's felt as though we must have a downpour here most of this week but apart from a sharp shower yesterday nothing has materialised.

  15. Tiempos raros amiga.
    Un abrazo.
