Sunday, September 6, 2020

New Garden

This area at the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre was always a lost space with just a couple of trees and a few picnic tables until last summer. Gardeners spent the summer creating new plant beds and arranging a nice assortment of perennials and so this year it is a nice place to wander and tables are now scattered about along the pathway.


  1. ...a beautiful and peaceful spot.

  2. That looks so nice. It's a wonderful place to walk and enjoy nature.

  3. Lovely to see the Veterans Centre being so well looked after Pat, beautiful spot to sit and reflect 💜

  4. How lovely, so nice when people take the trouble to beautify places.

  5. Gardens are often fun to see in the late summer when so many plants bloom. Good that this garden has received some love and attention.

  6. Looks good, and will be even better once the newness has had time to wear off.

  7. Kudos to all the volunteers who made this possible.

  8. Hello,

    The new garden beds and trees are pretty.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!
