Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Taking Max For A Walk

I spotted these signs with Max the Airedale Terrier at a newly installed dog park in the ravine near Casa Loma. The city has installed similar signs at most of the dog parks and I have seen large posters on bus shelters too as an attempt is made to get people to stoop & scoop and to keep their dogs on a leash unless they are in an off leash area. I'm not sure how successful they will be.
 Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. It really bugs me when I see people letting their dog poop on the sidewalk then walk away and leave it there.
    ,, nˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

  2. Cute dog!
    Hope the signs are effective.
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Well Max is adorable so hopefully that sweet face with inspire people to do the right thing.
    You are lucky to still have the option to use old blogger. They took the option away from me last week.

  4. ...these are great signs, I've been bit once too many times and dislike dog owners more than dogs. Some owners think that EVERYONE loves their dog! Thanks for joining the party.

  5. I like the signs. I've seen far too many people totally ignore signs about numerous things that are literally right in front of them.

  6. I like those signs too. We have those posted in a lot of places but there are some who just leave the poop behind on the footpath.

  7. Dogs out in public get a leash, and people get a mask. Canada has done much better with the pandemic than the U.S. Perhaps Canadians are more likely to believe in science?

  8. From what I've seen, there are some dog owners who are convinced that the rules don't apply to their dog, just everyone else's.

  9. What?! How could you not love Max? :-)

  10. A good campaign, yes, but we'll see how well it works.

  11. Hello,

    Great signs, it is important to obey the leash laws.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. I hope Max is a good influence Pat, I distinctly remember stepping on dog poo in Paris, the locals thought it was hilarious, me not so much 😁

  13. My estranged son used to have to walk through a park to high school, where people let their dogs off-leash. They'd jump up and bug him. It was awful.

  14. Dog lovers (like me) sometimes forget that not everyone wants a furry face saying hello.

  15. Cute signs! A woman in my neighborhood got bitten by a dog while taking a walk. I love dogs but they need to be controlled.

  16. I wish we had dog parks. I´m afraid of dogs, yet they run loose everywhere...

  17. El éxito dependerá del dueño Pat.
    Un abrazo.
