Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Scene of Yesterday's Action

 This house was the object of yesterday's woodpecker's attention. He was pecking away at the wood just to the left of the top point in this pic. You can just make out a little lump on the wood which is the bird. I have no idea what the homeowners can do to prevent more damage.


  1. The bird must have sniffed some insects there. Perhaps the wood wasn't seasoned enough.

  2. I wonder if there is a wood sealer that would work. It's a nice house. I'm sure they don't want birds to damage it.

  3. And the noise must be very flustering inside the house.

  4. The homeowners need a birdfeeder. ~(‾▿‾)~

  5. Oh my, I would not want a woodpecker pecking away at my house. Not sure, how they can stop it? Have a happy day and a great new week!

  6. It's an interesting home! There are many creative ones in infills.

  7. I don't think I've ever seen a woodpecker Pat, certainly not one eating a house 😉

  8. Fine looking modern building. No idea how to discourage woodpeckers from damaging the siding. My neighbors use a leaf blower. Does not hurt the birds, but scares them away.

  9. The woodpecker has good taste in picking houses to peck at.:)

  10. On the other hand, the woodpecker does add a touch of authenticity to the house. :-)

  11. They are a pretty bird, but I know they can be destructive as we have them here too, and having an all wooden house they visit more than I'd like!

  12. Woodpeckers did a job on my previous house.
