Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Country Saloon

I had no idea that there was a country saloon downtown until I happened upon the Rock N Horse saloon during an early Sunday walk. Judging by their sign they have everything country when they are open which we all hope will be soon if the Covid numbers go down.   

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. I remember line dancing, back in the day! Not a lot, but some.

  2. That looks like a place I'd see here. It has a real western feel.

  3. Hello,

    I enjoy country music, looks like a fun place.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. It's just me, but....

    ... that would be my personal idea of hell.

  5. Not a fan of country music but I do like some. Nice looking sign and a great name for the club.

  6. Perhaps after a vaccine they will be able to open. Let's hope that is not far off.

  7. ...not a place that I would expect to see in Toronto! The exterior sets the theme. Thanks for sharing, take care and keep on rocking.

  8. That just looks so North American.

  9. Never knew you had cowboys in Toronto. A lot of pubs and bars here will probably go out of business by the time this pandemic is over.

  10. The whole facade one big sign. Nice.
