Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Irish Pub

I have always wanted to go into this pub, Grace O'Malleys, but so far I haven't made it and with all our bars and restaurants open only for take-out I won't be heading in for a while. One wonders how many of these places will survive these pandemic times.   

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  1. That pub could be sitting in Ireland and would look right in place. I hope it survives.

  2. This is a most appealing Pub, and I see by the clock, it is time for a Guinness. You need to check it out and let us know what you find, but I am staying out of Pubs these days...

  3. It's amazing how just about every city in the world has an Irish pub Pat, when things get back to normal, whatever that's going to be, a visit here would be good 🍀

  4. Same here. Too many close down, and maybe for good.
    Oh, wee, I once had a Guinness. I had to go home. I was sooooo tired all of a sudden! Hubby felt the same...

  5. Hello,

    It looks like a great pub, I hope it survives.

    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I'm reminded of a couple of Irish pubs here.

  7. That looks like a nice pub. Pubs here are still closed. I'm sure some of them won't survive.

  8. Hope it survive and then take a nice guinness.

  9. Irish pubs are the place to go on St. Patrick's Day.

  10. It does look very inviting and what a great clock.

  11. ...these are hard time for a business like this, I hope that they will be able to survive. Thanks for joining the party, take care.

  12. Our daughter worked in an Irish Pub in Spokane WA, while going to college. It was a lovely place with so much atmosphere and although I never was there on a Friday or Saturday night, I heard that the Irish songs were being sung by all and that the place was packed. I did enjoy their Irish menu the few times I stopped there to have lunch. You should definitely try this place before, like you said it has to shut down . . . oh, I hope not!

  13. It looks inviting, and perhaps you shall give it a try in case it is forced to close.
