Sunday, November 29, 2020

More Carvings

This is the pink carving that was visible behind yesterday's bear. The pink one features a narwhal with its huge horn and another creature which may have something to do with Inuit stories but I really don't know.  I like the little grey seal in the foreground.


  1. Hello,

    I had to google Narwhal, that horn is amazing. I like the cute seal too. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  2. Pat of all the things you post to your blog, I believe you would make a excellent tour guide for the city. :-)

  3. ...I;m use to see mermaids in Maui.

  4. The mermaid and the narwhale I like it Pat ✨

  5. These are beautifully carved. Narwhals are fascinating creatures, aren't they?

  6. Beautifully carved! It looks magnificent.

  7. I am impressed by these stone sculptures. Sea life is always fascinating.

  8. These sculptures are really stunning. Thanks for showing them to us.

  9. So I looked it up:

    "According to myths collected among the Inuit in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the narwhal was once a woman with long hair that she had twisted and plaited to resemble a tusk. When the woman’s blind son lashed her to a white whale, she was drowned, but transformed into a narwhal. The son felt some remorse that he had killed his mother, but he also believed that the matricide was justifiable because of her deceitfulness and cruelty." -- Smithsonian
