Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Sign For The Times

The F. W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre is part of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and while walking around the grounds last week I was struck by the idea that so many of us are feeling anxious now. Let us all hope that things improve in the new year with a vaccine.   

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. It’s frightening times. Stay strong.

  2. Issues like anxiety are a lot more common, and a lot more serious, than we like to imagine.

  3. Yes, I think all this staying at home, away from friends and family is hard on a lot of people! Take care, stay safe! Have a happy day!

  4. That is exactly what I am hoping for. I saw an article in the NY Times about supplies of antacids being low because of people buying so many these days. Next time I'm at the drug store, I'll have to take a look.

  5. What a great sign. I know many people just now who could use their help, and sometimes I see one in a mirror.

  6. Yes we all hope for better times.

  7. Anxiety would be a common theme for many of us this year.

  8. ...two of my grandchildren have anxiety issues, It seems to be a common problem these days. Thanks for sharing, take care.

  9. Anxiety touches millions of people this year and probably every year.

  10. It's very sad that our modern world induces so much anxiety. I hope they have some good ways of helping.
