Monday, December 28, 2020

An Urban Turtle

I spotted this wonderful turtle on a recent wander. The artist for this mural is Nixo street art and I will show you the other side tomorrow. There seem to be more and more utility boxes being painted.  

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. A wonderful mural that compliments the neighbourhood.

  2. Hello,

    What a great turtle mural. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  3. How fine to have good street art to brighten the neighborhood. Look forward to seeing the other side tomorrow.

  4. He looks quite happy to be swimming around on that box.

  5. Good one even if he has a bend in his back. :^D

  6. It is very nice to see an otherwise grey box turn into a colourful piece of art.

  7. Another utility box to be checked off the list. There must be lots of them around town. I like this turtle, he's nice looking.

  8. Such art certainly brightens up these boring boxes.

  9. I love to see these boxes painted up, so much nicer.
    The turtle and the sea colours are quite nice.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.
