Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Theme Day: Comfort Food

The December theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Comfort Food and mine may be a little unusual. Soda crackers have always been a comfort to me and I always have some nearby in times of stress and for added comfort a nice cup of peppermint tea is just the thing.  

Taking part in the theme Comfort Food. Click HERE to see more comfort food from around the world.


  1. I totally understand Pat, love a cracker myself but might have to add a wee bit of cheese 😉

  2. For me, comfort food would have to involve chocolate! But I am drinking a cup of hot tea (British Blend) as I type this.
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I can understand this. Crackers and tea sounds like it would have a calming effect for sure.

  4. I have tea most days, but it must be years since I last had crackers.

  5. You have a fine looking cup. Comfort food for me is something like ice cream, rich and sweet.

  6. good idea .. I also keep saltines handy .. however is am more on the peppermint hot chocolate team :)

  7. Crackers is my favourite. The only thing missing is the cheese.

  8. Hello,

    Yes, I like having the saltines and mint tea. A comfort for the tummy.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. I love those kind of crackers, here we have tomato and basil which are my favorites. Peppermint tea is our summertime tea, cold or hot doesn't matter.

  10. I would enjoy these with some cheese spread.

  11. Hmm, a little hummus would go well with thsoe.

  12. This is too funny and perfect actually, I'm about to sit down to eat one of my comfort foods, a beef roast with roasted potatoes too!

  13. Excellent idea. I love Saltines myself

  14. Nice and unusual cup. Like Stefan I am not a lover of those crackers.
