Tuesday, December 22, 2020


This is a nice group of creatures to welcome you for a visit if we were allowed to visit people. It is still nice to see them though!


  1. My 4 year old granddaughter would be very excited to see theses guys.

  2. That is the cutest of the blow up animals that I have seen. I love it.
    No, I haven't heard anything about the next theme. I saw on the blogger site that they were voting on Facebook but I don't have a Facebook account any longer so I can't participate in that. I've thought about leaving a message on Bob's blog to see if he might reply.

  3. Una imagen muy simpática.
    Te deseo una Feliz Navidad, que pases buenas fiestas.
    Merry Christmas Pat y Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.

  4. So glad these four can share a large candy cane. Your photo brings a smile for the season. Merry Christmas, RedPat. Yes, I realize alleys are called laneways in Toronto. I just thought it odd to have a nativity scene in an alley. Perhaps they are still looking for a stable?

  5. Inflatables seem to be popular here this year too. These are cute.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I tried to paste an emoji but it failed so here's this: :)

  8. A wonderful sight to see, very colourful.

  9. I saw some really candy canes this morning in a candy shop.

  10. A funny group of candy bearers.

  11. Cute lawn decoration! Take care, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
