Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Butterfly

This sign with all the information about the Mourning Cloak Butterfly was attached to the pole in Yesterday's post. I had never heard of this butterfly but will be on the lookout come spring. I assume that the info and photo were put up by local resident Dave Beadle who is a noted illustrator of wildlife especially birds and moths. He is the author of the Peterson guide to Moths of Southeastern North America.


  1. What a beautiful butterfly. I had never heard of it before!

  2. There are a lot of this large flies here in the summer.

  3. In the UK they're known as Camberwell Beauties, because the first one was found in Camberwell in S London. I've never seen one either.

  4. That is a fine story for the naming of this lane. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Putting up this information was a nice thing to do.

  6. Nice to see that nature is getting a helping hand.

  7. Thats a very nice butterfly. Hadn't see that coming.

  8. I had a feeling this might be the reason Pat, it's a beautiful moth despite its name ✨
