Saturday, February 20, 2021

Cat In The Shop

This lovely cat lives in an antique store and he usually sits by the window waiting for people to come in. With the Covid shutdown there are no shoppers entering non-essential stores so he is a bit lonely. When I passed by the cat was sitting in the middle of the shop looking at the door and as soon as I came near he jumped down and ran over and proceeded to rub his chin  on the handle of that wagon. Later when I passed by again he was once more sitting and staring at the door. A social creature cut off from people for a bit!

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Oh my that poor thing. I hope his caretakers visit him often.

  2. I think every antique store should have a just fits! How neat! Happy weekend!

  3. This cat is master of the shop and enjoys people visiting and keeps the place free of mice. Perhaps sitting in the window is warm?

  4. Poor kitty wants some company. I was thinking it reminded me of the old song "How much is that doggie in the window". But, instead it is a kitty in the window, cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, wishing you a happy weekend!

  5. Do you think the kitty is following Doug Ford's rule to stay home?

  6. Nice looking cat in need of a human friend.

  7. You are just the sort to notice and care. What a sweet post, dear P

  8. Cats are intelligent in ways we don't always appreciate.

  9. Has become used to basking in human attention. :-)

  10. We never think about bored store-raised cats, do we? There is a store on Naples' main shopping street that has about three white cats that roam the store and sit in windows watching the bystanders.

  11. It's obviously a guard-cat, employed to chase off robbers. And if the cat doesn't get you, the teddy bear will!

  12. Oh that's so cute Pat, hopefully it does get lot's of love from the shop owner 💙

  13. Buen modelo pillaste Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  14. something we don't think about, how the animals are impacted. how sweet...looking for peeps to come in!!
