Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sleepy Time

 Our raccoons are nocturnal creatures and this guy was spotted up in a tree in the local park during the afternoon catching up on his sleep. Even the noise of kids and dogs below him had no effect on him. I like how you can see one of his feet hanging down over towards the bottom right.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...I rarely see racoons these days.

  2. Hello,

    Great eye, I have seen the raccoons during the day. They did not seem timid.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  3. I have been reading about the problem of raccoons in Toronto, but the problem is not the raccoons, but people who are now at hone during the day when raccoons are looking for quiet places to sleep. Sometimes the people act badly with them also. This one found a good spot for a nap.

  4. Cutie pie. We don´t have them here...

  5. I think I see a bit of his striped tail too. How cute!

  6. I have seen this happen on my street and lot people miss out because they never bother look up.

  7. It pays to look up. Nice capture, Pat!

  8. We all need our sleep!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Kinda like my sleep pattern lately. :-)

  10. They have really adapted well to coexistence with humans.

  11. I rarely see one but I know they are around.

  12. Thats something different than a squirrel.

  13. We had three under the bird feeder. Just after dark. I often see them in the duck.

  14. awesome capture!! we had 2 fighting in our backyard a few nights ago, it was quite loud and disturbing!! i am very late getting around!!

  15. How neat! When we had grapevines, I spotted a young one sleeping on the top of it with legs hanging down on both sides, about the level of my head. He opened an eye and watched me until I left. That night, we shined a flashlight out the window next to the grapevine, and watched two youngsters eat most of the ripe grapes. We've never had that moment again, so it was very special.

  16. Well spotted Pat, he's pretty well camouflaged up there 💛
