Sunday, April 4, 2021

Grand Renovation

Under that tarp is a grand old mansion in the Wychwood Park neighbourhood which sold for several million dollars a short while ago. The new owners must be doing a complete renovation and update so it will be interesting to see after the tarps come off. Apparently it is to remain a single family dwelling of over 12,000 sq ft!


  1. Wow, that's a big house. I'll look forward to seeing how it looks when it's done.

  2. Such renovations always remind me of those artistic "happenings" in the 1960s when whole buildings were wrapped up in plastic. It will be good to see the building when the wraps come off.

  3. Reminds me of an article I just read of a 3.5 million dollar estate that just sold and that the new owner says could still use "some work." What?!

  4. Hard to believe a single family house could be that large. Love to see what it looks like after the renovations are completed. Please keep us posted.

  5. That will be a big house. I wonder what the owners have in mind to do with it.

  6. 12,000 ft... that is what you would call a monster home.

  7. I do hope it's not turned into a monster modernist home.

  8. Thats a biggie then for one family.

  9. Hello,

    It is amazing a property sold for millions is already under a major renovation.
    I am sure it will be beautiful when it is completed. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  10. Wow, be sure to show us it when the tarps come down.

  11. Look forward to seeing what they do with it Pat.. hard to believe a single family needs so much space ✨
