Thursday, June 10, 2021

An Annex Garden

This lovely display of flowers was found in the front garden of a house in the Annex neighbourhood. It was a beautiful day made more special by this display. Love those poppies!


  1. That is so pretty it made me smile. I love the poppies too and those purple flowers whose name I've forgotten.

  2. Our eyes are drawn to those bright red poppies. Lovely flowers in that front garden.

  3. Gorgeous splash of colour Pat, I need more wild flowers in my garden, it's far too organised 😀
    P.s. I love Escape to the Chateau and all the other chateaus also. You should check out The Chateau Diaries on YouTube, so good ✨

  4. I've always loved Aliums - though it's a long while since I've grown any.

  5. Nice to have that by entering the house.

  6. Hello,
    Pretty garden, I love the poppies!
    Have a great day and a happy weekend!
