Wednesday, June 23, 2021

St Lawrence Hall

I showed you the St Lawrence Market building a week ago and today present the St Lawrence Hall which is part of the St Lawrence complex. The hall was built in 1850 as a public meeting place and a venue for concerts and exhibitions. It was restored in 1967 and continues as an event location for meetings, weddings, etc.

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  1. It's a beautiful piece of architecture Pat, enhanced by that gorgeous blue door :)

  2. Wow! Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Still looking beautiful after all the years.

  4. A fine looking building with classical lines. Glad to see it is still important and maintained.

  5. ...this is a gorgeous building, thank goodness it have been preserved. Thanks for sharing this beautiful place.

  6. Lots of natural light available in that building..

  7. From the time that buildings had to express their use and purpose to the public. A very fine example of that indeed.

  8. Hello,
    It is a beautiful building, I am glad it is preserved.

    Have a happy day!
