Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Nice Changes

Since all of our restaurants have been closed for indoor dining for months when they were finally allowed to open for patio service the city gave permits for them to take over a lane of the roadways along many streets in the city. This has resulted in narrower space for cars but a more lively patio scene than we have ever had.  In some areas a whole block has been turned into seating areas. This one I spotted along Dundas St W was just for 2 restaurants. It would be nice if this continued after we return to normal.


  1. Some of the same has happened here.

  2. Most of our streets in the UK are too narrow for that, though in some places whole streets have been closed.

  3. I suggest use it while you can.

  4. A great way to get the restaurants back in business and to enjoy al fresco dining. They did it here for a while too but it's too hot now.

  5. We have some places that are like that too. Others are using the footpath to set up their tables and chairs.

  6. Looks nice when the restaurant tents are outside.

  7. They've done that here in Perth, as well. I'm not sure I'd like to sit on a road to eat, but that is just me!

  8. Yes, brave for you, change is so welcome right now! Seems almost as if everything is back to normal around my world.

  9. I'm sure the motorists wouldn't agree with you. Several restaurants in Prescott were allowed to put up these outside dining areas during the pandemic but I think they've mostly been told to take them down now. Since our county only has about 35 percent of the people vaccinated that really doesn't make sense but . . that's government in a Republican dominated county for you.

  10. We have one block of those patios here, they're very popular.

  11. I agree with you Pat. As long as the weather permits keep the patios there.

  12. Hope the pandemic goes away as everyone is vaccinated. Our restaurants are now open. Here is wishing you the best.

  13. Hello,
    I think it is a great idea for the restaurants, to have a larger patio and more tables outside. Take care, enjoy your day!

  14. What a good idea, those poor businesses have been closed for so long they need as much business as they can get get and filling extra tables is a brilliant way to do that ✨

  15. This is wonderful, RedPat. West Hartford took some of the streets in WH Center and narrowed them for traffic to provide outdoor patio space for the many restaurants. It has been so popular that the restaurants and many customers are agitating it to be made permanent.
