Saturday, July 10, 2021

Taking A Break

The Mallards at James Gardens were taking a break from searching and begging for food. There was a lot of grooming going on as they seem to be molting as evidenced by all the feathers you can see on the ground around them. This post of the ducks is for a special follower who loves to see them.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Nice grouping of the Mallards, they found a quiet spot to rest.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for your comment today and on all past visits.

  2. That's a great photo! Lovely animals! :)

  3. ...being a duck can be stressful and tiring.

  4. Great photo!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. They have nice patch of cool grass to relax in.

  6. If that were down here I'd say they are exhausted by the heat. But up there I guess they're just resting (as a character in a famous Monty Python spoof would say.)

  7. Looks like the Mallard's pond dried up. A fine looking flock.

  8. They need a break as every other living creature. Nice one.

  9. I always enjoy seeing that little flash of vibrant colour on their tail feathers Pat 💜

  10. Sometimes it seems like every living thing is constantly foraging for food. So it is pure delight to see any creature taking a break!

  11. Happy to be alive and enjoying their surroundings!
