Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Mother

The black squirrels in the Wychwood Park neighbourhood seem to have a  colour mutation that effects their tails. I have seen some like this one with a totally brown tail whereas others have 1/2 a brown tail or even just a few inches of brown at the end. This one thought I might have some food for her. She looks like she may be nursing so I guess she had a late summer litter.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I agree with William and Andy but a cutie it is.

  2. Hello,

    I wish we saw the Black Squirrels here, we only see the Gray Squirrel.
    The tail is pretty, cute photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Interesting, I never heard or seen a squirrel with those characteristics. The squirrel is definitely a cutie.

  4. Great photo!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. How neat and so nice to stay still long enough for photos! Happy weekend!

  6. I wonder what is causing that change. You can really see the difference in your photo.

  7. She certainly is posing calmly for you. She looks healthy and happy.

  8. We get the black form of the Grey Squirrel here, but their tails are black too as far as I know.

  9. That's a wonderful photo to illustrate this!

  10. A nursing squirrel will eat things that other squirrels avoid, such as red pepper-infused suet.

  11. Hello,:=) Cute squirrel, and nicely captured. It's interesting that the Black Squirrels have developed red tails or partly red tails.Perhaps there are some red squirrels also in your area and they have mated and this is the outcome! I only see Red Squirrels, where I live, and didn't even know that black Squirrels existed until now.
    All the best from Portugal.

  12. Unusual but cute!

    My latest post:

  13. so nice to notice the squirrel in it's current "condition"!!

  14. Well it's nice to see this cutie outside! We recently had another squirrel visitor inside my house, this time a little baby red squirrel! Hopefully we scared it away to never return, although my pups are still on the lookout!

  15. Te miró.Muy buena pillada.
    Un abrazo.

  16. No doubt a mother! Looks very different from our red European squirrel.
