Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Pathway

This path runs through one of the many ravines that crisscross the city.  The temperatures are always cooler in the ravines and they are easy places to social distance. The person coming towards me way off in the distance had a very cute and friendly dog which made for an even nicer walk.


  1. ...this green way is a welcomed treat in the city!

  2. It must be like taking a walk in the woods while never leaving the city. Very pretty!

  3. This inviting path looks like it is in a rural area, a perfect place for a pleasant walk.

  4. Nice walking trail. A place to getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

  5. Hello,

    It looks like a nice walking trail, very similar to the one here.
    Have a happy day!

  6. I like the idea of a city criss-crossed by ravines. Nice wide path too.

  7. Interesa ahora, pasear por lugares así. Los lugares al aire libre, son más seguro y más saludables para el organismo.

    Por lo que veo, el camino tiene frondosos árboles, que te protejen del sol.

  8. Nice and shady, a great place to walk and enjoy.

  9. such a pretty, wide path, very accommodating for all!! it's always nice if you can find a cooler spot to walk!!

  10. What a lovely place to stroll about!
