Friday, October 8, 2021

A Late Summer Flower

I don't know what kind of flower this is but it was a treat to see it in late September. The bloom itself was healthy but if you look at the leaves they are quite bedraggled. It seems to have been a good year for slugs and snails who are probably the culprits. 


  1. It almost looks hibiscus-like but I don't think it is. Pretty colours - those bright lines attract insects to the centre. We've a plague of ladybirds (ladybugs?) here, I notice. They're all over the place.

  2. It makes me think of a flower called "rose of Sharon" that I used to see back in Illinois. It's beautiful.

  3. I also thought it might be hibiscus though I’m not sure. It sure is a beautiful flower.

  4. Yes it looks like a hibiscus to me too. They are very showy.

  5. I think we are in an extended growing season.

  6. Beautiful - and obviously pretty strong!

  7. Looks like nature does everything one month later.

  8. Hello,
    It is a beautiful bloom, it is a shame the leaves are being eaten.
    Have a happy weekend!

  9. Beautiful, and so funny I'm getting new ones too on different plants our weather has been that wonderful too!
