Friday, November 5, 2021

A Door To Somewhere?

While wandering around my old stomping grounds of the Liberty Village neighbourhood I spotted this odd little door between two large buildings. I have no idea what it could lead to. Possibly there is a walkway behind it which leads to another small building. I would love to know what is behind it wouldn't you?


  1. Maybe an emergency exit from the buildings on either side? That's my best guess.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Doors always present a mystery about what is behind them, and this one is not giving out many clues.

  3. You've found a secret passage! It does make you curious, doesn't it?

  4. Maybe you should walk up and knock and see what happens. If someone answers just say hello and maybe you can take a photo.

  5. I would imagine a back yard unit or flight of stairs to a basement apartment.

  6. Maybe someone's idea of a storage space?

  7. Such alleyways between buildings are called 'ginnels' in Yorkshire - but they don't often have doors.

  8. Make long arms and take a pic of the other side?
    I sure would like to know!!!
    or... do those darn selfie sticks still exist? That would do the job!
    If you pass by again...

  9. My first thought was a door to a small alley or walkway to the back yard.
    Have a happy weekend!

  10. Oh yes indeed I would and I can bet that I might wait around a bit to see if anyone goes in or out and maybe see something! Do keep us informed if you ever find out.

  11. Puede ser. Que habrá detrás? Difícil saberlo Pat.
    Un abrazo.
