Tuesday, December 21, 2021


This sculpture,titled Hercules, by Canadian artist Joe Fafard was found outside a gallery in the Yorkville neighbourhood back in October when we still had flowers. It was a hard one to shoot with its open structure and the busy backgrounds. Fafard is one of my favourite artists.


  1. That's a great sculpture and Hercules is a great name for this fellow.

  2. If I got this right... sadly Joe Fafard passed away on March 16th, 2019.

  3. Hello,
    It is a beautiful sculpture, Hercules is a good name too.
    Take care, have a great day and week ahead!

  4. The interplay of powerful and airy hollow is interesting.

  5. Great one!!
    My Brother once gave me his car keys when we didn´t manage to get an IKEA piece out of his car, it was super bulky.
    Me: ???
    Him: "Let´s get out the Hercules", took off his jacket and grabbed that thing by himself, me just closing and opening doors and tadaaa, there it was in my room.

    How I would love to put this in front of his house!!
