Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Republic In The City

The Republic of Rathnelly is a small neighbourhood of around 250 houses east of Avenue Rd & west of Casa Loma. They have fought development along Avenue Rd as well as fighting against the Spadina Expressway which would have cut through the centre of the city. The neighbourhood declared themselves a republic and appointed a queen and they have all kinds of community activities during 'normal' times.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Good to see neighborhood solidarity. I hope the sign is accurate.

  2. That is fascinating. It's nice to see such solidarity.

  3. ...year ago expressways divided neighborhoods in Rochester, today the "Interloop" is be filled in a park is being created. POWER To The People!

  4. A neighborhood bands together and fights for their rights against big development. Long live the Queen!

  5. Sounds like a great neighborhood, it is nice to see people coming together for something good. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. You've written about this before, but your east and west got mixed up!

  7. I hope together they stay and win.

  8. It looks like small groups can still accomplish something against big capital. Nice

  9. I'm of two minds about his . . . which side do YOU land on?

  10. I bet they have lots of engaging things hopefully they can proceed with them, and that our normal times do return!
