Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A Truck Full Of Chips

 Imagine my delight to look over and see a truck full of potato chips which happen to be one of my favourites. I love how they have made the truck look like a container of potatoes.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. I'm with William. For me they don't taste of much except salt and are an extremely expensive way to buy potatoes! I do however like the clever artwork on the side of the van.

  2. Yum, I love potato chips. Actually, I like potatoes in any form.

  3. That is a cleaver sign on the truck. I like potato chips also, but they are not very healthy.

  4. I love crisps and have to limit myself. Here the Irish love their onion and cheese crisps, they are alright but the plain ones are my favorite. I just bought a bag yesterday. They come in a big bag with six smaller bags inside.

  5. Looks good, although I prefer "ostbågar".

  6. ...I had a handful of chips with my lunch today! It's good to know that I'm not the only one with a chip addiction. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Very creative. I like the truck, but potato chips not so much. Good French fries is a whole other story.

  8. Hmmmm, yum - and looks so "harmless" ;-)

  9. Great advert for chips. I like chips too, but avoid buying them otherwise I don't stop until I finish the packet!

  10. Hello,
    I enjoy chips too, yum! Great sign photo.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Good ad for chips. I like them but not good for my blood pressure so moderately.

  12. I love it!
    Lays chips are very popular here too. Maybe we will see a truck painted like this one
    Have a great day!

  13. I think your 'chips' are our 'crisps'. I like them though rarely buy them. I do like that truck though.

  14. My daughter works for Pepsico, which owns and makes Lays chips. Ever since she began working there, I have developed a loyalty to Lays . . .
