Monday, January 17, 2022

Butterflies Revisited

I have gone by this mural many times and have never seen it without a vehicle parked in front of it until a couple of weeks ago. I had posted a pic of it with a blue SUV in front back in March of 2021 but thought I would show it again in full. The artist is Nick Sweetman with Christina Mazzalla and you can see the original post if you click the Sweetman label below. I love his work.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. What a beautiful mural. It is well worth another visit.

  2. Hello,
    It is a beautiful mural, I love all the butterflies and blooms.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  3. What a beauty, well done! Did you take your no parking sign home with you after taking the photo? :)

  4. It's a great feeling when there are no parked cars there.
    Hope you enjoyed today's snowfall. I am glad I am retired and did not have to go out.

  5. I love that Pat. Incidentally my magic eraser tool on my pixel 6 pro phone keeps blowing my mind. I can take a car or a person out of a picture! Maybe I'll show some before and afters on my blog. I remember timing people walking by in my shot. Now I can just take them out!

  6. How fine this mural celebrates butterflies, amazingly beautiful insects. Hope our Monarch butterfly population recovers its former size.

  7. Lucky for the opportunity , because this mural deserves to be seen. So beautiful.

  8. Must have had a lot of blue paint. :-)

  9. Glad you managed to photograph it without the parked cars. It's quite beautiful and the butterflies appear to be in 3D.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  10. It's even more beautiful without the cars in front of it.

  11. Grand old butterflies and the colors are outstanding too!

  12. I have installed butterfly gardens at my northern and southern houses, but I must admit I don't see blue or green butterflies.
