Saturday, January 1, 2022

January Theme: Photo Of The Year

The January theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Photo of The Year as it usually is. I chose this shot from August of a painter set up on the grounds of Spadina House as my entry. There was something so peaceful about the scene to me with the way she had brought her watercolour  supplies with her and the blanket spread out. It really seemed that things might again be 'normal' one day. I wish!

Taking part in the theme. Click HERE to see more examples from around the world.


  1. This is a great choice. It does look like life is getting back to normal. This is a perfect summer scene.

  2. Photographing the the artist is great start to the new year.

  3. that is a good shot! You've shared MANY!

  4. A wonderful choice, Pat. She looks very peaceful and lost in her art. Great photo indeed!

  5. Oh Pat, that looks so wonderfully inviting just now. It was -14° when we got up this morning.

  6. Probably a toronto Urban Sketcher @usktoronto

  7. Just charming. Reminds me of the gardens at Giverny.

  8. I remember this one, I adored it - and do.

  9. Hello,
    It is a great photo, love the scene with the painter.
    Have a happy day and great month of January!

  10. I love it, it's the kind of peace we all are needing right now.

  11. I remember this photo and it is very lovely indeed, and such an easy peaceful feel to the day!
