Saturday, February 5, 2022

Feeding Time At The Park

This man was feeding the ducks at James Gardens on a bitterly cold day. There are signs up saying not to feed the animals but at least he was feeding them seeds and not bread which is what most people seem to do. I'm sure they were thankful for the handout that day.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Mallards are never slow to arrive for a free hand-out.

  2. This could be a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.

  3. That is the daily scene at the nature park that I visit every now and then.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of ducks there. I heard corn is ok to feed to the ducks.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  5. My goodness...that's a LOT of ducks and they sure look hungry. I wonder if the park is feeding them though.

  6. The duckman taking care of the ducks. Great photo, Pat.

  7. He has drawn quite a crowd. I'm glad it's seeds he's spreading.

  8. Good thing we have people to take care of the ducks. Winter can be very tough on them.

  9. Really a lot of ducks. They are hungry when the snow is on the ground.
    Very nice photo.

  10. Being mobbed by ducks sometimes isn't such a terrifying thing. I remember mallards of my childhood crowding around our picnic table at the park in winter trying to snatch food from our hands. We had to escape to the car for a bit of peace :)

  11. This morning walking in Waikiki I saw our wild ducks who also enjoy a handout. I too am grateful when people feed bird seed or seeds and not bread. So amazing to think of them in such different climates! Stay warm honey

  12. Oh my goodness what a crowd he has too! I've added much more for my outdoor critters as well since the weather has been such a beast!

  13. we bought duck food and feed the ducks at lake of the lilies. there are signs...but it is so cold and i know they have trouble finding food.

    we got hollered at by one of the homeowners and we left!!

  14. It's a shame they feed them. It could stop them from migrating. So sad.
