Sunday, February 27, 2022

Me And My Shadow

A sunny day in winter when there is snow on the ground is wonderful for creating interesting shadows. I like the way the shadows all show as blue in this shot taken during a walkabout around U of T.


  1. Good one Pat. Looks like you and your shadow are bundled up.

  2. This is a good time of year for shadows. Your shadow looks great.

  3. And, it's a pretty shade of blue too! I like the long shadows.

  4. That photo really conveys the beauty of a sunny day in the snow!

  5. Yes, I adore that title, in fact I just used it myself. It also reminds me of an old episode of Dick Van Dyke show I believe it was and they had that song/poem in a story. Enjoy your day!

  6. Hello,

    Love the shadow shot and sunny days are great.
    Take care, enjoy your day. Have a happy new week!

  7. Always nice that low standing winter sun.
