Friday, April 29, 2022

A Laneway Discovery

Behind the small shops that run along Bloor St W like in yesterday's post there is usually a laneway that provides access to the service areas of the stores. Usually they are full of garbage bins etc. But behind the restaurant (Bar Neon) that was at the right in yesterday's post I happened upon this funky little sitting area and the takeout window to the place. During Covid lockdowns restaurants were trying to squeeze in outdoor space where ever they could. This one actually looks across the lane to a kid's playground so not a bad place to sit at all.


  1. I am impressed. It is just what the restaurant needed to stay in business throughout the pandemic.

  2. Makes we wonder, thought, what will happen to these spaces after the Covid-19 crisis winds down.

  3. What a charming little spot. Some of the restaurants did a good job switching gears during the pandemic.

  4. A wonderful spot, got to fill all the nooks and crannies to make it work and they did.

  5. Hello,

    It looks like a nice place. I enjoy the outdoor eating areas, especially on a nice day. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  6. With bread, and jug of wine all that is needed is Thou. We are almost to the season of outdoor dining, so perhaps this little take-out window will open for business?

  7. Neat idea. The pub in my village bought a marquee to increase the space it had available.

  8. Bars and cafés have done the same here. Some spaces are lovely to sit, others a bit less attractive.
