Monday, May 9, 2022

Little Taggers

I always like to discover a mural by Emily May Rose with her raccoon characters. These guys were found along Davenport Rd and have tagged the building and the van and have even chopped down some of the plants. I like the detail of the hanging shoes up at the top.  

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world. 

Comment troubles continue where they don't always show up on my posts but I do see them on my dashboard. I hope it all gets fixed soon. And I do enjoy them wherever they show up.


  1. Another sweet mural from Emily May Rose, I love the raccoons. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  2. Always love her work! Those sweet garbage bandits!

  3. I like this. It puts a smile on my face.
    Yes, blogger is throwing lots of comments into the Spam category. If you see one on the dashboard that isn't posted, hover over the far right side. You will see a checkmark. When you hover over it, a pop-up should appear with options to post it. I've been having to do that daily.

  4. What a fun and funny mural. Emily May Rose has a wonderful sense of humor. Those raccoons are mischievous little devils. ;-)

  5. This mural makes me laugh, very funny indeed.

  6. That's a lot of raccoons. The artist has a great imagination.

  7. I love the adorable raccoons. They are adorable.

  8. Sweet one - oh, I love raccoons (not that we have them here.
    Yes, blogger sucks again...

  9. Very whimsical.

    I've been having to move real comments out of spam for some time now.

  10. What a fun mural, I love it!

    Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. How cute is this! The raccoons seem to be quite happy and busy in this mural!

  12. Es mu6y original .Me encanta.
    Un abrazo.
