Saturday, May 21, 2022

Not Vandal Proof

The garbage bins that the city gives us are definitely not squirrel proof as you can see from the large hole that has been chewed in the lid of this one. This squirrel was having a fine feast on something that she found in there. She looks like she is probably nursing some young ones. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I'm not sure how good that kind of diet is for a wild animal - certainly not the plastic bin.

  2. This squirrel must like this bin as it chewed a heart shaped hole. ;-)

  3. Hello,
    The squirrel is happy digging in the trash. They have sharp teeth for chewing. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  4. Amazing how they have figured out how to dig their way into those bins.

  5. There is no such thing as squirrel proof. There is only 'how long will it take the squirrel to sort out a solution to the problem'.

  6. I have bins that look like that!

  7. Nice urban squirrel. Knows its way around in the city.

  8. Oh my! That is a sad sight. We have new bins, I hope ours hold up better and the critters don't get in them.

  9. Oh my what a determined miscreant!

  10. Wait! The city GIVES you garbage cans? Are they a regulation size?

  11. For sake of the young ones Mama squirrel will need to have a good supply source of food.

  12. Simpática imagen Pat. Buena mirada la tuya.
    Un abrazo.
