Saturday, May 7, 2022

Wood Duck

I went by my favourite duck pond and was lucky enough to spot a pair of Wood Ducks among the many Mallards. It was hard to get a shot of them and then all of a sudden the male scooted out from behind a stone wall and I quickly got this shot which cut off the end of his tail but I loved the detail so here it is. I'll show you him and his mate tomorrow. I hadn't shown a duck for a few weeks so thought it was time to see one.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.



  1. So lovely it's like artwork!

  2. What a handsome look duck. His markings are beautiful.

  3. Hello,
    The male Wood Duck is beautiful, I love the details on this duck.
    Great capture! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  4. These are some of the most beautiful ducks in nature! What a fabulous sighting and photo!

  5. What a beautiful bird! Such wonderful markings.

  6. Waterfowl around the world are renowned for their beauty and in the eyes of many Wood Duck takes first place.

  7. Your Wood Duck photo looks spectacular. One fell down my chimney years ago and needed rescuing from the fireplace. Got to see him up close, and was deeply impressed. I put the duck into a tree, it gave me a grateful look, and flew away.

  8. We have wood ducks here but they are nothing compared to your beauties. What amazing vivid colours.

  9. That is a fabulous shot because you were ready! Cutting off the tail is not a problem with detail like that!

  10. Nearly too beautiful to be real. But he thats nature on its best.

  11. You were ready and got a good one.

  12. They are wonderful ducks!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  13. Hello. It is a really beautiful looking bird.

  14. It is a handsome guy. I don't think I have seen any in my parts of Florida or Connecticut, though I have seen photographs of them in other parts of Florida.
