Thursday, June 9, 2022

A Midtown Road

When looking for shots for the June theme of 'The Road' I started looking around town as I traveled about. This is a street typical of a midtown street where the houses are not as old as the ones downtown and the tree canopy is also younger. Years from now this will look as green as some of the older neighbourhoods do now.


  1. ...parking looks to be at a premium.

  2. Only one way to go on this street with its fine collection of trees.

  3. That's a great street scene. I'm struck by all the parked cars. There's never enough room for them all.

  4. I like all the trees that share the street scene. Parking looks intense and not many spots to squeeze in to.

  5. I took similar photos for the theme day. But later I deleted them because I found them too boring to look at!

  6. Everyday scenes can be enthralling when photographed well as here

  7. Looks already green enough for me here.

  8. The trees win. I lived in an apartment one time. From the fourth floor it looked like a forest out there.

  9. That would be a lovely wide street if not for all the cars - we have the same problem here, except that our streets are much narrower to start with.

  10. This is great and perfect for the theme that once again I was too late to the theme party! Yikes.
