Sunday, June 19, 2022

Construction Continues

This is an update shot of the construction on the Honest Ed's site showing just some of the towers that will be there when it is all finished. I was in the laneway behind the buildings across the road from the site so you can see how they will tower over the neighbourhood when finished. Some of the towers look as if they have reached their end height.


  1. Wow, they are tall. I wouldn't want to be driving a car in that area.

  2. they will make up the sky line but sometimes, it is nicer to have a clear view!!

  3. Is there a limit on high tall the towers can be?
    I guess it is good in a way to see all the cranes busy building.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  4. Those buildings are huge. They certainly will tower over the neighborhood.

  5. I lived on the 11th floor for a year when I was a student, but since then I've stayed much closer to the ground!

  6. At least the first two appear to be as tall as they'll get.

  7. That are a lot of apartments there.

  8. There is construction everywhere!

    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  9. El mundo no para amiga y hay que construir. Somos muchos :))
    Un abrazo.
