Tuesday, June 7, 2022

More Murals Found

As I looked along the building in yesterday's post I discovered another small door as well as this large shipping door all beautifully decorated by the artist Elicser. It turns out that the doors all belong to Terra Nova which is a retirement home. The murals are all quite suitable for that don't you think. One more shot tomorrow.


  1. I like that the artist used age appropriate models for this mural.

  2. Those are great murals celebrating the residents of the retirement home. Elicser has fine talents. Looking forward to seeing what you have for tomorrow.

  3. Hello,
    Another beautiful mural, nice advertisement for the retirement home.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. A wonderful sight, another beautiful mural.

  5. Completo se ve este. Me gusta.
    Un abrazo.
