Friday, June 17, 2022

Stormy Clouds

I was out for a walk and it was sunny when I left but as I passed by Christie Pits park the clouds were looking scary. The baseball diamond had the mound and home plate covered but I had no rain gear with me. It never did rain!


  1. I'm glad you didn't get wet...this time. We are supposed to get some rain this weekend. Fingers crossed.

  2. We had tornado warnings and some stormy looking skies, but aside from rain, nothing much came of it.

  3. Sometimes with skies like that, I'm amazed when it doesn't rain. When I see a sky get dark, I tend to speed up my walking. :)

  4. Looks indeed that you are in for a bit of rain.

  5. Hello,
    I am glad you did not get rained on, it does look threatening.
    Have a happy weekend!

  6. That sounds like Arizona: clouds, wind, but no rain hitting the ground. :{

  7. I made it home safe during a thunder storm a couple of days ago. But cycling home today a Summer rain followed me for ten kilometers.

  8. That is a dark, moody sky. Glad you got back home dry and happy.

  9. You bet the odds!
    My Mum used to say: Take a brolly and there will be no rain...

  10. Dramatic sky and moment for a snap
