Saturday, July 2, 2022

Feeding Frenzy

The young goslings were going crazy for the bits of bread this woman was tossing down for them. There is a sign just off to the right in this shot telling you to not feed the wildlife but few people seem to pay attention to it. These young geese always look quite strange to me with their little stumpy wings don't you think? 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. People here feed bread to the geese and ducks in the parks, too. Great to see the goslings!

  2. Hello,

    People do love feeding break to the birds. The goslings are growing quickly, great photo! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. Lovely photo. The chicks are already big.

  4. The young ones are adorable but I don't think the bread is a good treat for them. Wish people would follow the rules.

  5. That's a lot of geese to have gathering around one's feet. There are certainly a large bunch of young ones.

  6. I agree they kind of do, and they are all a delight to see!

  7. The goslings are getting bigger at a fast rate. At least they are friendly.

  8. This could be a scene from Alfred Hichcock's film, The Birds.

  9. Love this photo. Good street photography.

  10. The bread is so bad for them. I'm sorry to read this. It's just like candy for the birds. They need cracked corn.

  11. Bread is not good for geese.

  12. So many of them, the feed will never be enough. Hope people realize that feeding spreads diseases and spoil the birds' natural eating habits.

  13. Está bien acompañada.
    Un abrazo.

  14. No no no no! Geese are fowl! (Pun intended.)
