Tuesday, August 23, 2022

A Hideaway

This was taken early on a Sunday morning when no one was around but it is usually a lively patio found hidden in a courtyard of old converted factory buildings. The old buildings now house offices and studios. The low building is an Italian restaurant now.


  1. I love all those mirrors on the wall of the low building. That looks like a great patio to enjoy during the summer months.

  2. ...this looks like a fun summer spot.

  3. A hidden treasure for those who like Italian Food.

  4. What fun finding these little areas in a major city that are human scale and inviting. Having Italian food is even better.

  5. It somehow reminds me of the darkest COVID days when the city was all empty.
    Well, or of beautiful early Summer mornings - let´s chose the latter - a beautiful view!

  6. Hello,
    It is a pretty courtyard, very inviting.
    Take care, have a happy day!
